1. Literal comprehension:
story writer has described the sacrifices made by Dadhichi and Dasharath for god.
Disturbing gods, when mans wants to take help form god. there is problem for
man because God never give help to man .When a man wanted to get supreme
knowledge he went to a forest .he started his panacea. One day he had the realization
of supreme knowledge. His penance was going to be successful .In such position
Indra sent to most beautiful fairy to disturb the sage's penance .the says was attracted
by the physical beauty of nymph He married the
nymph and settle down a village he
become ordinary farmer .
2. Interpretation:
story writer wants to show men's greatness and the littleness of god. According
to the writer the god is very selfish .the take help from man in various and difficult
situation but thy never help man in their difficulty. The example of Indra
shows the man mindedness of god. Indra disturbs the penance of says. the most
important idea of the story is the
psychology of human beings . Sexual desire is very powerful /the desire cam be
suppressed only for sometimes when he says of the story started his penance
his sexual desire was suppressed .When says was the charming nymph his sexual
desire become active and powerful .he could not achieve success. All his efforts
become meaningless. Another thing is that the
sage did not loss his greatness after marriage. He continued his life in social
3. Critical thinking:
subject matter of the story of the political, social religious and
psychological .The great story writer wants to say something about the behavior
of the powerful people. In this opinion powerful people are selfish. They have
no humanity. The character of good is very bad. Because thy disturb man's
efforts .When we critically think the subject matter of the story we find some
objectionable point. We can't say that all goods are selfish in the same way it
is very difficult to say that all powerful people are selfish. Power corrupts
not only the people but also the good. There are so many example s of kings who
have done their best to make their people happy. The writer idea about human psychology
is very convincing. His belief in the dignity of human life proves that he was
a great humanist. His story is full of valuable ideas.
4. Assimilation:
reading the story, I have learnt three important things:
I have learnt that supreme knowledge can't be found in homely life. If we concentrated
our mind and hard work we get supreme knowledge and success.
Every human being has unconscious sexual desire is active the human can be blind
for sex.
Importation things is power is harmful for man if it is not handled with care.